donderdag 24 november 2011

The beast in me

60x90 cm - Acrylic on canvas
Not strictly an art class assignment. We are doing a show later this year themed "Beestig" (which translates roughly as "beastly"). Most of us will probably do some animal (in fact, I'm doing a semi-abstract little painting using a pic of amoebae), but I thought I might submit this (based on the cover of Johnny Cash's album) as my beastly work.

donderdag 10 november 2011

Apocalypse now

both 60 cm by 90 cm
An art class assignment - night scene from a film (and Apocalypse now is one of my favorites ...), as photographed for the annual Art school show - which means I'm in the show :)

zaterdag 4 juni 2011


Acryl op doek, 70x50 cm. Klik op de foto voor een grotere versie
Voor Steven, de medebewoners en begeleiders uit Lopersdreef 1, Emiliani

zaterdag 28 mei 2011

snug like a bug in a rug

acrylic on canvas, 50x70 cm

i had a go at using some modelling paste for a slightly thicker effect. i mixed my paint with equal parts of schmincke college modelling paste and simple white wood glue. the effect is grainy, which is nice

also, this is one in my series of exercises in painting green

clicking the pic brings you to an on-black version in flickr

Enfin tu vas me dire que je ne t’écris que des banalités.

woensdag 23 maart 2011

Viaje 1

Acrylic on canvas, 60x60 cm

Removing layers on a journey of discovery.

in her pure coif

Acrylic on canvas

Dedicated to Saint Ivory

infantina Isobel, who will be
blushing all day to be, when she growed up one Sunday,
Saint Holy and Saint Ivory, when she took the veil, the
beautiful presentation nun, so barely twenty, in her pure coif
(Joyce, Finnegan's Wake)

woensdag 2 maart 2011

aap noot mies

acrylic on canvas, 70 x 70 cm
click for a version on black (Flickr)

woensdag 16 februari 2011

compositie op blauwe achtergrond

compositie, acryl op doek, 70x70 cm
(klikken voor versie op zwart, flickr)

woensdag 2 februari 2011

compositie met varens

acryl op doek, 100x90 cm

eerste opzet

Pornocrates Faber

Inspired, as you might have guessed, on the world's bestest ever painting - Pornocrates by Felicien Rops (1896) - check out on wikipedia - and then my own take on Belgian politics (if only pigs might fly)
The pic is slightly less than perfect, if you look on facebook, there's a slightly better one - my facebook :)

abstracte compositie, geel (tweede poging)

Abstracte compositie, glaceertechniek, acryl op doek, 70 x 70 cm

vrijdag 28 januari 2011

4 flessen

compositie met 4 flessen
Acryl op doek, 70x70 cm, glaceertechniek (eerste opzet; tweede laag; afgewerkte versie)
Klikken op de bovenste foto brengt je bij Flickr, waar je een serietje ziet

woensdag 19 januari 2011

donderdag 13 januari 2011